Monday 12 January 2009


It's official, stitching is good for you!

I think most of us committed stitchers are aware that once we pick up the needle and thread we are often transported to another place, where problems disappear, we relax and time stops. Before you know it, the children are home from school, himself is home from work and there is nothing prepared for dinner! (Not to mention the mess, the coffee cups, the washing still in the machine, no housework done and "Oh my goodness, I forgot to stop for lunch again!" Sometimes, though, this phenomenon can be even more beneficial than you would think. I followed up a comment from Molly
that took me to a post on her blog (not a textile blog, but a very good read nevertheless!) about Betsan Corkhill. Betsan, an occupational therapist, set up a knitting/stitching support group on the internet for people suffering with chronic pain. I'll leave it to Molly to tell you about it. If you are interested you can find her article here.
And here's the link to Bethan's internet support group

If you are interested in the therapeutic effect of needlework, you may also be interested in the therapeutic effect of the results. Have a look at The Comfort Doll Project, started by Pat Winter to send hope and comfort to women affected by physical violence.

1 comment:

Molly's Mellow Moments said...

Oh! Thank you so much for your kind words, and of course to have had my blog - flogged!From a fellow seaside town girl too! I was beginning to think I was the only one here snuggled into the South Downs!
I was so taken with your piece about getting totally absorbed (I think it's called 'getting in the flow'-apparently!)in our craft that time just passes by. Although I could not describe myself as a stitcher in any shape or form, I do love other crafts and spend hours in a totally different world.
I think I've lost track of how many times I've put something on the cooker (just on a low heat of course...) and the next thing is I wonder who is having a bonfire..and of course it's my home filling with the aroma of burnt food!
It is great to be able to just enjoy something so very much that everything else just seems to float away!
I was particularly taken with your link to the 'Comfort Doll Project'. - What a wonderful concept.
Keep having fun making your beautiful dolls - their faces are just fabulous (in fact there are a few that look very sure they aren't based on any girls around these parts eh?!).
All best - and thanks again for your kind words.