Monday 15 October 2012

Inspired by a suggestion.

A customer suggested I make a "Bridget Spirit Doll". I wasn't sure what that was, so I did a bit of research and found the Pagan Celtic Goddess Brigid/Bride/Brigil.

Brigid was a goddess of Fire, Sun and the Hearth, healing, poetry and smithcraft, often worshipped as a "triple goddess". Brigid was often represented carrying the flame of life. She was said to have two sisters of the same generation also named Brigid. The sisters were defined by their particular responsibilities.

Brigid, the Fire of the Hearth, the goddess of fertility, family, childbirth and healing.

Brigid, the Fire of the Forge, patroness of the crafts (weaving, embroidery and metalsmithing) and also justice, law and order

Brigid, the Fire of Inspiration, the must of poetry, song history and protector of cultural meaning.

The triad of Brigid goddesses were sometimes worshipped together, sometimes individually.

Brigid's festival is Imbolc, the first two days of February. Imbolc marks the beginning of the lambing season, the beginning of Spring and renewel and the stirrings of new life.

Symbols attributed to Brigid include the snowdrop, the flame, the sheep, the swan and the Brigids cross, a potent symbol of protection.

Brigid wears the traditional colours of Imbolc, white and silver for purity and green for the fresh new life.

So, there is a lot of inspiration to be found in the tradition of Brigid. I've started by making a piece of fabric in colours of cream, pale yellow and green and using it to make a simple doll shape.

(Click on photo for bigger image)

(Click on photo for bigger image)

I must say, I like the sound of the multi-tasking Goddess Brigid and percolating in the back of my mind is a larger representation of the goddess with the three faces of Brigid. The suggestion from my customer has given me just the push I needed!

1 comment:

Mary Ann Tate said...

I have quite a few Brigids and Bridgets in my family but I've never looked into the name. Even my second name is Bridget. Very interesting:)